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Why choose an online registry?
People are much more appreciative when they receive presents they’d explicitly asked for.
How do online registries work?
An online registry helps you easily receive the gifts you want. You can simply select a list of funds and gift cards you want.
Once the special event is over and you have closed your registry, all funds are securely transferred, so those buying gifts for you don’t need to bring the gift to the function and gifts will not be stolen or lost. We provide you with a list of all gifts bought and from whom to help you thank your friends and family for buying your gifts from Wrapistry.
How do I make my registry public?
Your registry will be live to the public the moment you have registered, so make sure you personalise it (with a couple photo, background picture and message) and start adding gifts as soon as you’re ready!
How do I know what's been purchased?
We’ve created a gift tracker page which you will see once you have logged into your account. This will allow you to easily keep track of all your gifts, making “thank you’s” a pleasurable experience. You will also receive email notifications every time a guest buys you a gift.
How do I enable group gifting?
You can enable our group gifting option so that your guests can contribute any amount they choose. Within your manage registry page, simply select the gift you would like to group gift and turn the button under the “Enable Group Gifting” column.
What if a group gift isn't fully contributed?
Even if the gift isn’t 100% contributed, you will still receive whatever amount has been gifted to you.
What about guests who aren't tech-savvy?
We’ve created the Wrapistry experience to be easy for everyone – guests included. If they ever have an issue, then our team will be here to help them.
Cash Funds
How do I register for a cash fund?
Once you have created your registry, you’ll see “Cash Funds” as a category at the top of the homepage and choose from our variety of cash and honeymoon fund options. Set your desired amount and click ‘Add to Registry’.
Can I hide my cash fund amount?
Yes, first set an amount for your cash fund and add to your registry. You then have the option to hide the total from your guests, which is by default, or you can decide to unhide the total and let your guests see how much you would like.
What is the cash fund fee?
Wrapistry shall pay the full amount contributed by your guests less a once-off fee of 5% plus R999. There are no costs for your guests.
How do we receive our cash funds?
All cash funds shall be affected by way of an electronic transfer into a South African bank account nominated in writing by the couple. You can send your banking details to
Prior to the transfer of funds, you will need to sign a letter in terms of Section 31 of Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No 38 of 2001 together with a copy of your identity document and utility account.
When will I receive my funds?
After closing your registry, please allow at least 2-3 business days for your cash transfer to process.
What if the total has been reached?
If the cash fund amount has been fully contributed by your guests, it will reflect as sold on your registry. We therefore recommend asking for more than you would want and you can even hide the amount requested.
How do we keep track of contributions?
We send you real time notifications each time that you receive a gift. You can track all your gifts under your gift tracker.
In your gift tracker, you can search for gift-givers name, gift message and download the list. You can even reply directly to your guest and thank them for your gift.
For Guests
How do I find a registry?
Buying a gift?
Find their registry here and choose a gift you can be sure they’ll like.
Is my personal information safe?
Yes, Wrapistry respects privacy and are committed to protecting the privacy of users on our website. Wrapistry seeks to employ best practice when it comes to the collection and processing of personal information in line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”).
Is my credit card information secure?
Your credit card information is safe, secure, and confidential.
Wrapistry does not store or encrypt your credit card data. All of our online transactions are put through a secure third party server run by Peach Payments, Africa’s best online payment gateway.
Our website is also secured by Cloudflare, SSL and code signing digital certificates are used globally to secure servers, provide data encryption, authenticate users, protect privacy and assure online identifies through stringent authentication and verification processes.
Can I include a message with my gift?
Sure, at checkout you can write a personalised message which will be included electronically with your gift so the couple can easily thank you.