Baby Registry

Baby Registry

Gift cards and baby funds
all in one registry

A better experience

  Easy setup

Setup is free and takes a few seconds.

  Group gifting

Guests around the world can contribute.

 Gift tracker

Track gifts and send instant thank-yous.

How it works?

 Create registry

Setup is free and takes few seconds.

 Add gifts

Add and share link on your invitation or WhatsApp.


Close your registry to receive your gifts.

26,000+ happy customers

At Wrapistry, our customers and service are our greatest gift.

You're in good hands

We work with leading brands to provide thousands of gifts to choose from.

Baby registry FAQ's

How do baby registries work?

An online baby registry helps you easily receive the baby shower gifts you want. You can simply select a list of funds and gift cards from top brands.
We provide you with a list of all gifts bought and from whom to help you thank your friends and family for buying your baby gifts from Wrapistry.

Why choose an online baby registry?

People are much more appreciative when they receive presents they’d explicitly asked for. Our online baby gift registry is convenient for everyone and guests from around the world can contribute towards your new bundle of joy and help you buy the things you really want.

Is there a setup cost?

No. Setting up your baby gift registry with Wrapistry is free. Setting up your baby registry only takes a few seconds and because it’s all managed online, you can add gifts anywhere, anytime.

What about non tech-savvy guests?

We’ve created the Wrapistry experience to be easy for everyone – guests included. If they ever have an issue, then our friendly customer support team will be there to help.

How do I know what's been purchased?

We’ve created a thank you manager page which you will see once you have logged into your Wrapistry registry account. This will allow you to easily keep track of all your gifts, making sending “thank you’s” easy. You will also receive real-time confirmations every time guests shop your baby registry.

More questions?

Contact us at
We’re here and happy to help.