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Fun things for couples to do during lockdown

Coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown are unimaginable and challenging times for everyone, where everything seems so uncertain. We are forced to take each day as it comes and the situation is out of our control. Although, we can’t control the situation itself, we can control how we are going to react to it which includes finding the positive aspects. One of these is the extra quality time that you get to spend with your other half. Here are some tips to not only keep you busy and entertained but to maximise this opportunity of being together.

Cook together

Cooking can often be a chore, something you have to do at the end of a long day at work. But now, with more time on your hands this can be a fun way to spend time together, get out that recipe book and experiment with new flavours together.

Play games

This could range from card games, to board games and memory games. They’re fun, light-hearted and could help stimulate your mind.

Outdoor games

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, now is the perfect chance to make use of it. Set up some active outdoor games such as a cricket or soccer match. This is not only playful but will get your heart rate up after being cooped indoors.


If you don’t have a garden, you can still exercise together by doing a general exercise routine consisting of squats, lunges, crunches and push ups. Challenge your partner. You can even join online yoga or pilates class together. It is amazing how many exercise options there are online.

Cuddle up with a book

Even if each of you need time to do your own thing, such as reading your own books, this can still be done together, cuddled up all cozy on the couch or in bed.

Going through photos

With the rush of everyday life, it can be difficult to make time to reminisce. Now is an amazing chance to go through photos that bring back happy memories. Even better, if you are newly-wed, it’s the perfect time to go through all your wedding pictures to decide which ones you want in the album. It sounds easy but it is a very time-consuming activity.

Planning ahead and budgeting

Among all the fun and games, real life must go on. It could be a wise idea to finally sit down together to plan your budget, savings and pretty much all that boring admin we manage to push off in a regular week.

Start a new series

Now is the perfect time to get into a thrilling and exciting series. You can go all out and make popcorn or have other fun snacks. Be careful not to binge watch the series in one go but rather spread it out over the few weeks.

Zoom each other’s families

When the world is upside down, it makes you realise what is really important in life, and for most people that is family. Although you can’t physically be with other family at the moment, with modern technology, you can download an app called Zoom to stay in contact. Now is a great opportunity to not only spend virtual time with your family but to also connect with your spouse’s family in the same way. It could definitely encourage a positive in-law relationship for the future.


Doing a puzzle together is addictive and fun. It also leaves you with something to show for once the lockdown is over. The bigger the puzzle the more challenging and fun it is.


Use this time to just relax and rest. Our daily lives are so chaotic we don’t often have time to just relax, sleep in late or take an afternoon nap.


Although this is something we avoid, try make cleaning the dishes, washing your clothes and mopping the floor fun. Put some music on in the house, sing, dance and each do a task to keep your house clean.

Learn something new

Now is an excellent chance to expand your knowledge and learn something new. You can either learn something new together or you can teach each other a skill that each of you knows. Examples can be, learning a new language or learning how to play an instrument.


With the craziness going on in the outside world, now is a perfect time to meditate together and calm your thoughts. There are lots of amazing meditation apps and YouTube mediations. Sometimes the best thing to do together is to just be together, consciously enjoy each-others company. Talk meaningful, talk rubbish, sit in silence, but mostly just be.

This list is just a start of the many things you can do together. It is amazing how much there is to be done at home and enjoying each other’s company and bonding during this time is so important.